CBCP 03 - Contribution Based Career Progression

<< Previous | Accidental Career Progression: In this case, career-progression happens because of an accident or an opportunity. This is career-progression just 'by chance' or inadvertently or coincidentally or unexpectedly or 'by luck'. The person in question does not take any specific action to push the possibility of his or her career-progression. Neither, the organizational context, surrounding the person in question, propels career-progression for the person as a gesture of appreciation or reward. Here, career-progression takes place just because something unforeseen happens and there arises a sudden business-need that cannot wait. Examples: One of the vice-presidents meets with an accident. He is rendered physically disabled and suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He is advised by his doctor to take voluntary retirement and spend a year in a rehabilitation center.  The proposal (the vice-president’s retirement) gets accepted by all the parties concerned. The most experienced manager reporting to the vice-president is offered an opportunity to take the role of the vice-president. And, the manager in question accepts the offer. Here, accidental career-progression happens for the manager.

In another case, an existing customer awards a new large project. The business organization, in question, accepts the project. However, all the Project Managers of the concerned Strategic Business Unit are busy with their respective existing projects and their hands are absolutely full. They do not have any free bandwidth to manage the new project awarded. So, this is what happens next. The management decides to position a senior Technical Leader as the Project manager for the new project. The Technical Leader has been working for the customer, which awarded the project, over the last 4 years. In this case, accidental career-progression happens for the Technical Leader. Similar situations may arise in case of business expansions, diversifications and acquisitions etc.

Acquired Career Progression: In case of Acquired Career-Progression, the person in question explicitly acquires the elements specifically defined as required by the business organization for attainment of a specific instance of career-progression. And, the person in question is aware of these requirements before he or she starts to put in any effort in the direction of acquiring all or most of the elements in question. These elements could be, and not limited only to, Educational Qualification, Total Years of Job Experience, Specific Skill Set, (attending) Specific Trainings, Specific Certifications, Specific Job Role Experience, Required Performance level (Rating), Required Level of Customer Feedback (Rating), Required Level of Peer Feedback (Rating), Organization or People Development Efforts (Trainings, Cross-team Assistance Provided etc.) and many more. In case of Government or Public Service Departments, success in departmental-exams (consideration for Promotion or vertical growth) could be one more element.

Acquired Career-Progression involves the following clearly defined steps.

1. Definition of the goal: Post Career-progression State or Role or Function is defined in this step.

2. Definition of the prerequisites: Ascertainment and definition of the prerequisites (what it takes to achieve that progression!) is done in this step.

3. Communication: The Prerequisites for a specific instance of career-progression are published. As a result, the interested persons in question become aware of the requirements to be fulfilled.

4. Acknowledgement and acceptance: The interested or relevant persons in question acknowledge that they know about the prerequisites and accept that as a valid platform or guidance for the attainment of the career-progression in question.

5. Explicit action: The interested and suitable people work on fulfilling the prerequisites.

6. Certification: It is officially acknowledged that the requirements for the career-progression in question have been fulfilled, after the actual fulfillment takes place. The fact that a person or a group of persons achieved what was required for the career-progression, in question, is officially accredited.

7. Career progression: At this point in time, Career Progression takes place and the person in question starts working on the tasks in the context of the Post Career-progression State or Role or Function.  Next Page >>

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Contribution Based Career Progression - Part 3 by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
