So many I have seen so far!

So many I have seen so far!
You are the most different seen by far.

Deep in your thoughts, you solve real problems.
When it comes to it, you are not scared to take blames.

You discuss, you focus, you put it all together.
When it comes to deliver, we look no further.

You are a friend, you are a guide.
When it comes to help, you are there to provide.

You run, you play, you keep raising the bar.
When it comes to inspiring, there is none at par.

So many I have seen so far!
You are the most different seen by far.   - dpm  Next Page >>

Creative Commons License
So many I have seen so far! by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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