Debi's Systematic Random Thoughts!

It's a continuous process in which we shape our culture and that culture shapes us.

Reality changes, but perceptions persist!


'Way of Working Smells' are great indicators of what needs to be changed to attain Human-Centric Business Agility.


Servant Leadership: An ordinary servant does what his master wants. An extraordinary servant does what his master needs.


Accepting diversity is a way to happiness.

Human-Centric Business Agility is the way forward.

Our habits are significantly stronger than our intent and intellect.


For many, what is hard about Agile is that it appears too soft.


I am my own customer and I expect nothing less!


The massive role of Servant Leadership in attaining Human-Centric Business Agility is surprisingly not that hard to miss!


A satisfying career is a sustainable career.


Distractions are attractive.


With music, you can change the world; at least, the way it sounds.


Stories are living beings; seldom do they die.
That they grow and change, that’s difficult to deny.


Agility: Succeed soon, or fail fast.


I’m Pathetic to Empathetic is a journey.


Forgetting needs no reminder.


Experience helps in seeing beyond what is visible.


Agility of the business, by the business, for the business, shall not let the business perish from the Earth.


Convenience shall continue to win. Those who see and go beyond just convenience emerge as winners.


Servant Leadership: Lead to serve and serve to lead.


You already know quite a lot if you know what you don't know.


Career progression doesn't happen in isolation. It takes working with all the people who matter.


During this pandemic, cameras are a part of conversations.


Home is heaven. Let’s choose to stay in THAT heaven, if we can, during this pandemic!


Tightrope walking at a height of 2 feet and 200 feet requires pretty much the same skills. However, the impact of success and failure in each case remains drastically proportional to the height in question.


Agile Maturity: A journey from application of a methodology to attainment of a mindset.


In some cases, the difficulty with Scrum is that it looks deceptively easy on paper.


The simplest of the practices are many a time the most difficult ones to sustain in Agile Software Development.


Agile Transformation: Stay to play. Play to win.


Not only do learning and unlearning take time, but learning to unlearn also definitely does.


There is no shame in being the odd man 'in'.


Variety within, versatility outside. Diversity!


Music makes the world a better place one note at a time.


Beyond tools, technologies, practices, skills, procedures and policies, the real value emerges from how people work together.


Does competition kill collaboration?


Rigour in actions without rigour in thoughts is a rigorous recipe for regret.


Go beyond yourself to find who you are.


History is written in the future.


Expectation - Experience = Perception?


My reality is my perception about my perceived reality.


Do problems accelerate our ability to accept?


When I was young, my astrologer said that I was born for 'brighter' things in life. And, of course, without fail, later in my life, I have graduated to so much of grey hair that’s especially enough to put a polar bear to absolute shame.


Karen: Despite the coronavirus situation, they are still doing the Bath Half Marathon! They haven't cancelled it. The Drunk Professor: Because they know that there is no RUNNING AWAY from it!


Each one of us is a uniquely perfect composition of many imperfections.


The Drunk Professor: When you really have no worries, you still have one - why there are no worries (what is missing)? And, if you don’t even have that worry, either you have achieved all your goals or you have changed significantly.


Everything takes time. Seldom is time the only thing, however.


A teacher is a blessing. And, it's truly a blessing to be a teacher.


Any one can teach you. But, no one can make you learn.


Are we servants of our situations?


You may make a living off teaching. But, it makes you stronger when you start living on your learning! - The SHOD Practitioner


The drunk professor asked, 'well, what is that thin line between thinking and a thin-king, while both seem to rule over the rest?'


Make it about people! People will feel great about the maker and will make the maker still greater. - The SHOD Practitioner


The drunk professor, who was happy about the Good Friday Holiday and was not particularly aware of the significance and background of that, mentioned, 'Every Friday is good. The Good Friday, in particular, is a Better Friday'.


When the drunk professor heard his friend saying that someone was a man of few words, he interrupted him and said, 'well, of course. It's a MAN you are speaking of.'


When your ‘bread and butter’ is at risk, you can’t care for a rose! When the Titanic sank, the Jack we know had cared for a Rose when his 'bread and butter', his own life, was at risk.


The Drunk Professor: All is well that end well … 
Professor’s Friend: Are you sure that this is an end?
The Drunk Professor: In my mind, there exists a potentially perpetual confusion, around an end and a beginning, which leads to a certain manifestation of happiness associated with that state of confusion’.


Professor’s Friend: … I am wrong in my thinking ….
The Drunk Professor: Well, my dear friend, wrong doing continues to be frowned upon much more than wrong thinking, in our society. Your crime of wrong thinking, sir, thus, is too benign to attract any attention except that of your own.


A bigger cause, for good, is a better cause, for great.


The Drunk Professor: Autocomplete has spoilt me so much that I usually take a pause in the midst of typing my password to check if it has been auto-completed.


We were in blue,
when the sky was blue and the ocean was blue. 
We were in blue,
when, how it's after marriage, someone had no clue.
We were in blue... 😏


You can't make everyone happy. You can be nice to everyone, however.


Swachh Bhaarat, Swachh Mann, Bhrashtaachaar Rahit Parivartan.


A clean India, a clean mind. A transformation that leaves corruption far behind.


Those who seek, get.


Whoever has come, shall go. We just mistake that for a reason to be in a hurry.


Long rides remain strongly pleasant.


Ferrous kaa aulaad = Faulaad


The Incredible Hulk
Antonym: The Credible Hulkaa


Bhaade kaa Ghar: Ghar ek, darr anek

