Covid-19: Doing a little extra during these extraordinary times!

Covid-19 is hurting human lives and businesses - two remarkably important interdependent elements of our society. Those who can’t work from their homes are facing significantly tough challenges and potential risks while they are doing their best to carry on with their work. Businesses are struggling really hard to keep it ‘business as usual’ for their customers. The empathy demonstrated by all - people, businesses and governments - has been exemplary.

Many of us are privileged to be able to work from the comfort and safety of our homes. During these extraordinary times, can we not do a little extra to help the businesses we are a part of, while we continue to take care of ourselves and care for others? Hopefully, that little extra done by each one of us will go a long way in helping the businesses, the economy and the human lives dependent on the former two.

While we have this privilege to work from our homes during these extraordinary times, are we willing strongly enough to honour this responsibility and demonstrate the desired ownership? Together, we can. Together, we will.


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