TEDRESYS: The Team Driven Reward System

Tedresys Reward System

Can we rethink, potentially at the least, the organizational reward systems and programs? This has primarily been a wish and a desire. But, I haven't let it stop there. I am in the process of designing this system. Here, I would like to put across the foundation and the skeleton of the system. The application of Tedresys, a Team Driven Reward System, may appear suitable for Software Products and Services Organizations only. However, Tedresys may potentially be applied to other types of organizations, wherever it is practical. Tedresys will evolve to a certain extent, I anticipate, and I will add more details to it, eventually.

The Essence of Tedresys: The Fundamental Principles

There are no self-nominations
There are only team nominations: It's the team that nominates
 Scope of the reward program: A project team
 Wherever practical, this reward program may be applied to a bigger scope
 Frequency of the reward: Once in a financial year
 Reward hosted by: The leader of the team
 The leader should be the one who is 'the leader' in the minds of the members
 The leader could be a Manager|Scrum Master|Tech. Lead|Architect|...
 The host, the leader, of course is a part of the team
 The host participates in the nomination process
 Nominees, the potential winners, participate in nomination and selection
 The selection for the reward is done by the team
 There is no external influence either in the nomination or the selection process
 The host participates in the selection process
 The decision of the team on selection is final
 The selection is not finalized unless an absolute agreement is arrived at
 The criteria for nomination and selection are predefined and published
 The criteria for nomination and selection are stringent and not easy
 Potentially, the criteria are aligned with the reward criteria in the organization
 Reward none if the nomination or selection criteria are not met
 By all means, the grandeur and the status attached to the reward is protected
 The bar can only go up and it can never be lowered
 Receiving the reward should be a matter of absolute pride for the team members
 The reward system is based on peer evaluation, acceptance and recognition
 Timed to feed the other reward programs in the organization
 Timed to potentially feed the performance appraisal process for the team
 Form of the reward: A digital certificate signed by the leader
 The certificate gets posted on the public Wall of Fame Blog | Website of the leader
 Intellectual Property: The details of the work and project are not posted
 A picture of the winner | recipient is posted along with the certificate
 The certificate so posted stays on the Wall of Fame and never gets removed
 The link to the certificate Wall of Fame page is shared with the recipient
 The link is used on the recipients' Blog, Website, Social and Professional Networks

What does Tedresys potentially lead to?

 A truly transparent reward system
 Establishing transparency and trust within a project team
 Significantly more matured conversations among the team members
 Significantly more mutual respect for each other
 A significantly greater connect between the team members
 A much greater awareness of who is doing what in the team
 A team working on identifying a winner and facilitating that
 The team wins by doing a great job at identifying the most deserving winner
 Establishes a culture of peer evaluation, acceptance, appreciation and recognition
 Builds a strong self organizing, self motivated and autonomous team
 Provides readiness for nominations into other organizational reward programs
 The reward gets a wider and long-term publicity on the public domain Wall of Fame
 Provides very valuable inputs and insights for performance appraisal

The Reward Categories

The Craftsmanship Champion
 The Innovation Champion
 The Leadership Champion
 The Delivery Champion

Why these Reward Categories?

■ I personally believe that a team can achieve great success if it could do great in these four areas: Craftsmanship (Quality and Processes), Innovation (Making Better Things and Making Things Better), Leadership (In the true sense of the term in all the aspects of the team) and Delivery Excellence.
These four categories of reward, I strongly believe, address most of the personality types available on a team, and do cater to the spectrum of personal traits, attributes and strengths typically available in a team.

What would be a good platform to host the rewards?

It is more or less a matter of choice, practicality, effectiveness and fitness for the purpose. In my case, if I assume that I am the leader hosting the rewards, I would use one of my blogs that has got a sufficiently large number of views from different geographies including India, United States, Russia, Germany, France, China, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Australia, Vietnam!
