DPTASM 02: You can help your organization!

Here is how: If your organization has already invested money and time in tools, infrastructure and people pertaining to Software Test Automation and is desirous of successfully using Test Automation over the next many years while keeping the cost, time-to-user and complexity of Test Automation as low as possible and quality and productivity as high as possible, you have an opportunity here to continue reading this to help your organization in its Software Test Automation mission and vision.

Test Automation, more often than not, is a very expensive and complex affair. Anything that could reduce the cost and complexity pertaining to Test Automation significantly deserves attention of any organization interested in deriving the real benefits of Test Automation on a sustainable basis. 

The author, a Software Test Automation Practitioner since 2002, believes that most of the contemporary software firms can easily implement DPM’s Productized Test Automation Service Model not only to reduce the cost associated with Test Automation drastically, but also to simplify the inherently complex business of Test Automation. You can simplify it while you save a lot of money! Is not that a great deal? Let's proceed further to explore more details about this model.  Next Page >>
