DPTASM 10: [CASE 02] DPM’s Productized Test Automation Service Model

CASE 02:

DPM Technology Labs, a leading provider of software products and services, has currently 20 Product and Project Teams that use Test Automation extensively in their Software Development Lifecycle. And, DPM Technology Labs has deployed DPM’s Productized Test Automation Service Model (DPTASM) at the organization-level. Following are some of the notable points about the case:

There is just one Automation Engineering and Development Team which includes 1 Test Automation Architect, 6 Test Automation Engineers and 1 Test Automation Deployment Engineer to cater to the Test Automation needs of 20 Product and Project Teams that use Test Automation. Total: 8 People!

This was what was done over the analysis phase:

       The Test Automation Architect established guidelines and a checklist for analysis of AUTs or SUTs and high-level requirements.  Total: 5 Man-Days!

       The Test Automation Architect also classified and grouped the AUTs or SUTs based on the technology the Software Under Test (AUT or SUT) were built primarily with.
       Then, The Test Automation Architect assigned the appropriate piece of analysis task to the team-members based on their respective skill-and-experience profile.

       The Test Automation Architect also ensured 100% capacity utilization during the analysis phase.

       The Automation Engineering and Development Team took around 400 Man-Days to analyze, at a high level, each of the 20 Applications Under Test (AUT or SUT) and what tests were required to be automated. Total: 405 Man-Days!

NOTE: In terms of its creation, deployment, utilization, maintenance and sunset, real Test Automation is usually a long-term process that spans across many years. Spending a little more time (a calendar month or two) in any specific phase does not usually have significantly large negative impact in the big picture.

Each of the 20 Applications Under Test (AUT or SUT) was built primarily with one of the 5 popular technologies.

Tools selection was a coordinated and concerted effort among the 8 members of the Automation Engineering and Development Team.

The Automation Engineering and Development Team took 5 working days in selecting its Test Automation tools and all the members of the Automation Engineering and Development Team were actively involved in tool selection. Total: 40 Man-Days

The Automation Engineering and Development Team took total 2 Man-Days in activities pertaining to procuring its Test Automation tools and licenses. Total: 2 Man-Days

Post selection, there are, in total, just 3 Test Automation tools in use

Out of the 3 tools, 2 are commercial and 1 is open-source or free or in-house developed

The open-source or free or in-house developed Test Automation tool is used in automating the tests of 4 out of the 20 Applications Under Test (AUT or SUT). And, the features available in the 2 commercial tools are enough to automate the identified tests of the rest 16 Applications Under Test (AUT or SUT)

In total, there are 8 licenses pertaining to those 2 commercial Test Automation tools

The average utilization of those 8 commercial tool licenses is a little over 80% (Creation + Utilization + Maintenance). Around 20% idle time.

There are 12 Test Automation compatible computers in use in the Automation Engineering and Development Team. Total: 12 computers!

The average utilization across the 12 Test Automation compatible computers is a bit over 65% (Creation + Utilization + Maintenance). Around 35% idle capacity.

There is just one Test Automation Framework and Common Infrastructure.

That one Test Automation Framework and Common Infrastructure (Test Automation Common Infrastructure (TACI) = Test Automation Framework +Test Automation Common Utilities (TACU)) is used in the automation of the tests pertaining to all the 20 Applications Under Test (AUT or SUT)

The Automation Engineering and Development Team maintains its Test Automation Framework and Common Infrastructure independently. The maintenance activity addresses all the changes and enhancements required by tests pertaining to each of the 20 Applications Under Test (AUT or SUT)

The Test Automation Framework and Common Infrastructure is built as per the DUCOA Architecture and Design philosophy which helps in getting a lot more done with way less resources 

The Automation Engineering and Development Team took around 2 months to create the core part of its Test Automation Common Infrastructure (TACI). Total: 16 Man-Months!

The Automation Engineering and Development Team takes around 2 months (all maintenance efforts clubbed together) to maintain its Test Automation Common Infrastructure (TACI) every year. Total: 16 Man-Months!

Average monthly gross compensation or Salary or cost-to-company pertaining to each person that works on Test Automation is USD 8500. Total: USD 68,000 a month!

Risk of attrition (Test Automation Team members leaving the organization) is not that difficult to mitigate in this case. Since, it is an 8-members team with the Product and Project specific Test Automation knowledge and information buried in it, it is an extremely remote possibility that during a certain year all the 8 members will leave the organization. So, it will never be difficult to keep the Test Automation show running year after year.

Office space occupied by Product and Project Team members working on Test Automation is directly proportional to the number of people working on Test Automation. Factors of interest: Cost, Rent of office space used for this purpose, Lighting, Heating, Cooling Expenses and Carbon Footprint

Space occupied by computers used for Test Automation is directly proportional to the number of computers used for Test Automation. Factors of interest: Cost, Rent of space used for this purpose, Lighting, Heating, Cooling Expenses, Carbon Footprint and Energy Bill  Next Page >>
