DPTASM 15: The Complexity Quotient

How about the Complexity Quotient?

This is a no-brainer. The combined complexity of the Test Automation Common Infrastructure (TACI) would probably be more than the complexity of any individual instance of Test Automation Infrastructure specific to any Product or Project team.

However, this is also a no-brainer that if we add up the complexity of each of the individual instances of Test Automation Infrastructure specific to Product or Project teams and compare that with the complexity of the Test Automation Common Infrastructure (TACI), the complexity pertaining to the Test Automation Common Infrastructure (TACI) will definitely be way lesser!

Essentially, an organization ends up dealing with way less complexity in the business of Test Automation when it switches to DPM’s Productized Test Automation Service Model (DPTASM). And, it saves a lot of money as a result. Reduced complexity comes at a drastically lower cost! Isn't that a great deal?  Next Page >>
