DPTASM 07: Drastic Reduction in Cost of Test Automation

Sustainable Test Automation at a drastically lower cost!

Save money: It is easy to imagine how much money an organization can save by adopting the “DPM’s Productized Test Automation Service” model in which, in a typical case, there are just a couple of Test Automation Tools instead of a large number of those to pay for, there are just a couple of licenses instead of a large bunch of licenses to pay for, there is just one tiny team doing everything instead of many teams doing many things, there is just one small pool of hardware and software instead of many sets of hardware and software to procure and maintain and so on. This is not an exhaustive list of opportunities that “DPM’s Productized Test Automation Service Model (DPTASM)” offers to reduce cost. 

Get more for less: And, the interesting part is, the larger the number of Products or Projects the organization needs to do Test Automation in, the larger will be the volume of money saved because of the obvious economy of scale in utilization. And, definitely, the complexity does not increase proportionately thanks to DUCOA Architecture and Design coupled with its recommended valuable practices. I have explained DUCOA Test Automation Framework Architecture and Design in detail here.

What to expect? An organization may reap the benefits of this model if it has at least two Products or Projects, with similar needs, that it needs to do Test Automation in. In a typical scenario, in case of a not-so-large organization, 20% to 60% reduction in cost of Test Automation can be achieved without much difficulty. And, in case of a large organization, where a large number of Product or Project Teams intend to get the benefits of Test Automation, 40% to 70% reduction in cost of Test Automation can be achieved without much difficulty.

The reduction in cost is achieved on all the following fronts:

+ Creation of Test Automation Common Infrastructure (TACI)
+ Utilization of Test Automation Common Infrastructure (TACI)
+ Maintenance of Test Automation Common Infrastructure (TACI)
+ Test Automation Development and Engineering Team (TADET)

      + Recruitment
      + Selection
      +  Training
      + Compensation
      + Retention

Let's take a look at an illustration on the next page.  Next Page >>


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