DPTASM 13: The Best Case Scenario

What could be the best case scenario?

From the DPM’s Productized Test Automation Service Model (DPTASM) point of view, this is the best-case scenario. Your organization has, not so long ago, invested money and time in tools, infrastructure and people pertaining to Test Automation. 

And, your organization has a need and plan to use Test Automation over the next many years. In this scenario, switching to DPM’s Productized Test Automation Service Model (DPTASM) is relatively easy and it can save your organization a lot of money.

Another good point about this model is that your organization may add People, Hardware and Software in case the demand for the Productized Test Automation Service goes beyond the threshold that can be catered to by the current size of the Test Automation Development and Engineering Team and the Test Automation Common Infrastructure (TACI).  Next Page >>
