DPTASM 09: [CASE 01] Conventional Test Automation Paradigm

CASE 01:

DPM Technology Labs, a leading provider of software products and services, has currently 20 Product and Project Teams that use Test Automation extensively in their Software Development Lifecycle. Following are some of the notable points about the case:

Each of the Product and Project Teams have 2 people working 100% on Test Automation (100% exclusive allocation to the Product and Project Team). Total: 40 People!

On an average, the two-member Test Automation Team in each of the Product and Project Teams took around 30 Man-Days to analyze, at a high level, their respective Application Under Test (AUT or SUT) and what tests were required to be automated. Total: 600 Man-Days!

Each of the 20 Applications Under Test (AUT or SUT) was built primarily with one of the 5 popular technologies.

Tools selection was not a coordinated or concerted effort among the 20 Product and Project Teams. Each team selected its Test Automation tool independently.

Each Product and Project Teams took at least 4 working days in selecting its Test Automation tool and each of the people that were allocated to Test Automation were actively involved in tool selection. Total: 160 Man-Days

Tools and Licenses Procurement was not a coordinated or concerted effort among the 20 Product and Project Teams. Each team performed activities pertaining to procurement of its Test Automation Tools and Licenses independently. Total: 8 Man-Days.

Across the 20 Product and Project Teams, there are, in total, 5 Test Automation tools in use

Out of the 5 tools, 4 are commercial and 1 is open-source or free or in-house developed

4 out of the 20 Product and Project Teams use the  open-source or free or in-house developed tool in Test Automation

In total, there are 32 licenses pertaining to those 4 commercial Test Automation tools

The average utilization of the 32 commercial tool licenses is around 50% (Creation + Utilization + Maintenance). Around 50% idle time.

There are at least 2 Test Automation compatible computers in use in each of the Product and Project Teams. Total: 40 computers!

The average utilization across the 40 Test Automation compatible computers is around 50% (Creation + Utilization + Maintenance). 
Around 50% idle time.

Most of the Product and Project Teams have created their own Test Automation Framework.

Only 3 out of the 20 Product and Project Teams could reuse the base (initial) version of a Test Automation Framework that was created by one of the Product and Project Teams

Each of the 20 Product and Project Teams maintains its Test Automation Framework and Infrastructure independently based on its specific needs

Each of the many Test Automation Frameworks is built as per one of at least 3 popular Architecture and Design philosophies or a hybrid of a couple of those. And, there are a few which are built as per no specific Architecture and Design philosophy

On an average, each team, except for the 3 teams that could reuse a Test Automation Framework, took around 2 months to create the core part of its Test Automation Framework and Infrastructure. Total: 34 Man-Months!

On an average, each team takes, around 2 months (all maintenance efforts clubbed together) to maintain its Test Automation Framework and Infrastructure every year. Total: 40 Man-Months!

Monthly gross compensation or Salary or cost-to-company pertaining to each person that works on Test Automation is USD 8000. Total: USD 3,20,000 a month!

Risk of attrition (Test Automation Team members leaving the organization) is difficult to mitigate. Since, it is just 2 members in each Product and Project Team with the Product and Project specific Test Automation knowledge or information buried exclusively in them, if those two members from any Product and Project Team leave the organization, which is not an extremely remote possibility, during a certain year, it will be absolutely difficult to keep the Test Automation show running with same level of glory.

Office space occupied by Product and Project Team members working on Test Automation is directly proportional to the number of people working on Test Automation. Factors of interest: Cost, Rent of office space used for this purpose, Lighting, Heating, Cooling Expenses and Carbon Footprint

Space occupied by computers used for Test Automation is directly proportional to the number of computers used for Test Automation. Factors of interest: Cost, Rent of space used for this purpose, Lighting, Heating, Cooling Expenses, Carbon Footprint and Energy Bill

With the understanding and details captured from the first case [CASE 01], let's take a look at the second case [CASE 02] in which DPM Technology Labs has deployed DPM’s Productized Test Automation Service Model (DPTASM).  Next Page >>
