DUCOA 04 - Requires a very Small Team
DUCOA Test Automation Framework needs a very small team of Test Automation Engineers or Developers even if the SUT (Software Under Test) or AUT (Application Under Test) the tests of which we intend to automate is really huge in size, complexity and scope. In case of this Automation Framework, we just essentially need to create Automation Code (Function or Method) for each of the unique UI Control or GUI Object TYPE or Class specific Actions (Operations) or Verifications. And, that does not really require many people, whatever may be the size of the SUT (Software Under Test) or AUT (Application Under Test) in question.
A three-member team is usually good enough to create and use this Automation Framework even though the number of tests to be automated is absolutely huge. In many cases, however, even a two-member team is sufficient for the purpose. Here is the ideal team composition:
1. One member with extensive knowledge of and hands-on experience in Software Test Automation. This member also has very good knowledge of Software Test Automation Architecture and Design. This member possesses very good Technical Leadership skills and domain knowledge pertaining to Test Automation subject.
2. One (or two) very good (versatile) Developer(s) or Programmer(s) or Coder(s).
The testing and documentation tasks can be shared between all the members on the team. Once the Automation Code (Function or Method) for each of the Actions (Operations) or Verifications pertaining to each of the SUT specific TYPE or Class of UI Controls or GUI Objects are created, automating a new test just requires rearranging the execution of Automation Code (Function or Method) in a specific order without touching any code and doing any coding. That’s swift and simple. And, that’s why, it does not require a big team. Keeping the whole affair as simple and pragmatic as possible is one of the primary themes DUCOA Test Automation Framework is based on. Next Page >>
DUCOA 04 - Requires a very Small Team by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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