DUCOA 08 - How do we go about a Data Driven Test, then?

That’s a very good question. Even though the Classical Data Driven Framework Design, as such, has not been integrated into this Test Automation Framework Design, by design, DUCOA Test Automation Framework does have a provision to cater to the needs of a purely Data Driven Test (where the test-case remains the same and the Input Data, in many cases, the Expected Output Data and the Actual Output Data too, vary or change over several iterations of the test-case execution with varied instances of data).

In DUCOA Test Automation Framework Design, it is accomplished through deriving multiple 'Translated and Composed' Tests from a single base 'Translated and Composed' Tests and its Test Data Set (Input and Expected Output). And, derivation of data specific instances of Translated and Composed Tests is absolutely an One-Time activity in the context of DUCOA Test Automation Framework Design. In case of a real Data Driven Test, the related “Translated and Composed Test + its embedded Input Data Set and Set of Expected Output Data” is split into multiple 'Translated and Composed' Tests using a 'Data Driven Test Generator Mechanism'. This is described in greater details in the “What does happen in case of a Data Driven Test?” section.  Next Page >>

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DUCOA 08 - How do we go about a Data Driven Test, then? by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
