DUCOA 20 - The Test Execution and Results Space

The Test Execution Space is a location where Composed Tests are processed during a particular instance of Automated Test Run. Why is this space required? It serves as a temporary storage space for the results form any automated test execution session. Here, is is assumed that the DUCOA Test Automation Platform created based on this design is not integrated with a Test Management Tool.

As far as the results form any automated test execution session are concerned, the Test Execution Space is just the first stop. The Results so captured are then backed up in a persistent storage. The Test Execution Space, by design, is created dynamically and overwritten dynamically over the subsequent automated test execution sessions. That's the reason why, it is prudent to create a Test Results Management utility to manage Test Results captured in the Test Execution Space. The Test Results Space is the persistent location to store the Results over cycles of automated test execution.

When the Results from the Test Execution Space are stored in the Test Results Space, some contextual information (Example: Date and Time Stamp, Build ID etc.) is added to each unique instance the Results. In case the Test Automation Framework or Infrastructure or Platform is integrated with a Test Management tool where Automated Test Execution or Test Run results are recorded in the Management tool dynamically, the Test Execution Space and the Test Results Space Mechanisms are not really required.  Next Page >>

Creative Commons License
DUCOA 20 - The Test Execution Space (TES) by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
