DUCOA 10 - Creation of DUCOA Test Automation Framework

1. Do a detailed analysis of the Application under Test (AUT) or SUT.

2. Do a detailed Test Automation Feasibility Analysis.

3. Precisely determine the scope of Test Automation.

4. Create a Test Automation Strategy and a Test Automation Plan.

5. Create a comprehensive list of all the unique TYPES or Classes of UI Controls or GUI Objects that are part of the AUT or SUT.

6. If the list of unique TYPES or Classes of UI Controls or GUI Objects is NOT really huge, continue with the next step. However, if the list of unique UI Controls or Objects is really huge, do the following:

a. Prioritize the Tests that need to be automated.
b. Create a list of Tests that need to be automated immediately.
c. Identify the unique TYPES or Classes of UI Controls or GUI Objects that are associated with the Tests that need to be automated immediately.
d. Continue with the next step with only these unique UI Controls or GUI Objects that are in scope of immediate Test Automation. NOTE: When more Tests are considered for Test Automation, the Test Automation Infrastructure or Framework is extended or enhanced dynamically, on the fly , ON Demand.

7. Create a comprehensive list of all the most granular operations (Actions and Verifications) pertaining to each of the unique TYPES or Classes of UI Controls or GUI Objects that are part of the AUT or SUT.

8. Create a dictionary of all the UI Control specific functions (Actions or Verifications). This Functions Details Reference Dictionary is a part of the Test Automation Infrastructure or Framework. But, it is not a part of the Test Automation Run Time Environment or Test Execution Space. It does not participate in the automatic test execution process. It is a reference dictionary created and used by Test Automation Engineering or Development Team to store and retrieve human-readable information regarding all the functions or methods that are part of the Automation Infrastructure or Framework.

9. Each item (row) in this Functions Details Reference Dictionary, which is usually created as a flat list, constitutes of the following elements:

a. The exact name of the function
b. The parameter details
c. The functional description of the function (This should also be a part of the comments accompanying the code or script of the function in question)
d. The technical description of the function (This should also be a part of the comments accompanying the code or script of the function in question)
e. Names of the Prior, Ancillary, Supportive, Preventive functions this function internally uses
f. The type of the function: Action OR Verification
g. Date of creation
h. Date of last modification

10. Create (Code or Script) the UI Control specific functions (Actions or Verifications).

11. Define the Storage Structure (what resides where) for Automation Code, Test Data, Configuration Data, UI Control or GUI Object Mapping Information etc.

12. Define the Communication Structure (what talks with what, when and how).

With these done, the core part of the DUCOA Test Automation Framework is ready for use.  Next Page >>

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DUCOA 10 - Creation of DUCOA Test Automation Framework by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
