DUCOA 21 - The Report Engine
The Report Engine is not a part of the Run-Time or the Test Execution Space. The Logging Mechanism or Test Execution Results Engine is, however, a part of the Run-Time or Test Execution Space and it captures data and information dynamically while the automated tests run. Following is a very simplistic representation of what happens in case of an automated test in the context of the Report Engine that is created as an integrated part of DUCOA Test Automation Framework or Platform.
1. Report Engine takes its inputs from the Results, generated and captured in the process of the automated test execution, after the automated test run comes to an end.
2. It lists the names of the tests and their respective Run Results (Pass or Fail) along with any other desired additional information (Example: Number or Percentage of test-steps failed) and Execution Session level information (Examples: Environment, User, Build Version or SUT Version Information, Number and Percentage of Test Passed and Failed etc.) in a consolidated Test Report that it creates.
It’s easy to take a look at and understand the Test Report so generated. In case it is desired to look at the actual step-wise execution details, a mechanism may be built into the Report Engine to provide pointers to on-demand extended information or further details on the consolidated Test Report. Next Page >>

DUCOA 21 - The Report Engine by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
1. Report Engine takes its inputs from the Results, generated and captured in the process of the automated test execution, after the automated test run comes to an end.
2. It lists the names of the tests and their respective Run Results (Pass or Fail) along with any other desired additional information (Example: Number or Percentage of test-steps failed) and Execution Session level information (Examples: Environment, User, Build Version or SUT Version Information, Number and Percentage of Test Passed and Failed etc.) in a consolidated Test Report that it creates.
It’s easy to take a look at and understand the Test Report so generated. In case it is desired to look at the actual step-wise execution details, a mechanism may be built into the Report Engine to provide pointers to on-demand extended information or further details on the consolidated Test Report. Next Page >>
DUCOA 21 - The Report Engine by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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