DUCOA 12 - What does happen in case of a Data Driven Test?

In case of a test-case that needs to be run over multiple iterations with different instances of UI Control specific Input Data and Expected Output Data, the Test Engineer provides details about:

1. The exact number of iterations the test needs to go through.
2. The exact set of UI Control specific Input Data for each of the iterations.
3. The exact set of UI Control specific Expected Output Data for each of the iterations.

The Test Automation Engineering or Development team uses the details pertaining to ‘Number of Iterations’, ‘UI Control specific Input Data Set’ and ‘UI Control specific Expected Output Data Set’ to derive multiple Composed Tests from the base Composed Test using the 'Data Driven Test Generator Mechanism'. So, instead of one, how many Composed Tests get created in this case? That number depends on a few possibilities in this context. Following are the most obvious possibilities:

1. Number of derived Composed Tests = Number of UI Control specific Input Data Instances = Number of UI Control specific Expected Output Data Instances
2. Number of derived Composed Tests = Number of UI Control specific Input Data Instances > Number of UI Control specific Expected Output Data Instances

As a rule of thumb, number of derived Composed Tests is equal to the number of Test Iterations prescribed. 'Data Driven Test Generator Mechanism' essentially is a utility created by the Test Automation Engineering or Development team. This utility takes the following as the inputs and generates the Composed Tests that include the respective iterations specific test data:

1. The base or generic or original Composed Test.
2. Set of UI Control Specific Input and Expected Output Data pertaining to each iteration provided in the base or generic or original Composed Test.  Next Page >>

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DUCOA 12 - What does happen in case of a Data Driven Test? by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
