DUCOA 09 - Important Features of DUCOA Test Automation Framework

Best of both the worlds: It draws on the Domain or Functional knowledge of Software Product, System and User-Acceptance Testers and Technical and Engineering expertise of Test Automation Engineers or Developers. So, it naturally gets the best of both the worlds!

Great choice for Agile Development: In my opinion, It is one of the most suitable, efficient and effective Test Automation Frameworks in the context of Agile development methodologies. Not only can the Test Automation Framework or Infrastructure be created in phases and pieces over Sprints (in case of Agile through Scrum), but Automated Tests can also be created and integrated into the infrastructure over Sprints as well. This is also a very good choice in case of other conventional development methodologies.

Way less code: This Test Automation Framework drastically reduces the total volume of automation (infrastructure) code or script. We get more done with way less volume of automation code or script. Code-Reuse or Shared Code (common infrastructure code shared or used among Automated Tests) is a key attribute of DUCOA Framework Design.

Right-View Philosophy: Right-View Philosophy is one of the key attributes of DUCOA Architecture and Design. It allows the user to view everything in the right way. This "everything" includes the Steps of The Test, The Translation of those steps, Test Run Results pertaining to the steps, Name of the Functions that were used to execute each of the steps, Time taken to execute each of the steps, references to Identification Details of the GUI Objects or UI Controls the action(s) or verification(s) were performed on, Input Test Data supplied and Information on what went wrong in case of a failure. 

Right-View Philosophy makes troubleshooting and Run-Results analysis absolutely easy, efficient and fast. And, ease of troubleshooting and results-analysis are very important attributes of any smart Test Automation Infrastructure. One of the significant aspects of Right-View feature is that the most important information is always easily available in the right way and visible upfront to the user. And, that's related to the User Experience Design.

Troubleshooting outside Development EnvironmentDUCOA Architecture and Design allow troubleshooting outside the Development Environment (The environment in which the Test Automation Infrastructure was developed) in case your Test Automation Tool allows automatic Test Execution outside the development environment. The user does NOT need access to the Automation Code to troubleshoot a problem. In most of the cases, the user does not have to look into the code while troubleshooting a problem. This facility is a direct outcome of the Right-View Philosophy.

The Right-View feature of the DUCOA Framework Design provides all the information and exposes all the parameters required for most of the troubleshooting needs or requirements in the right way. And, the Right-View, anyway, resides outside the code and outside the development environment. Test Automation Engineers know how valuable ease of troubleshooting is in the context of Test Automation Development. Software Product, System and User-Acceptance Testers who use Test Automation, know, how valuable ease of troubleshooting outside the Development Environment or Code is in the context of Automatic Test Execution and Run-Results Analysis.

Works best for Distributed Teams: It is a great choice in the context of geographically or globally Distributed Test Teams (Teams located across different Time Zones). Translated Test, used in this Test Automation Framework, works as an excellent communication tool that transmits technical details about a Test (Test Case) in a way that is generic in nature. That helps the Test Automation Engineering or Development team in understanding the exact details of the Test even in the absence of any specific domain or functional knowledge pertaining to the Test Case in question. This layer of abstraction saves a lot of time and keeps things simple.

Early to Market, On Demand: We always want our product to reach the market (its users) as soon as possible. In that very line, this Test Automation Framework ensures that the product or output (‘Automated Tests’ in this case) of the Test Automation Infrastructure or Framework reaches its Direct Consumers (Users of Automated Tests: Software Product, System and User-Acceptance Testers) as soon as possible, ON Demand. The sooner the product reaches the Consumers, Users, Field or the Market, the earlier it becomes possible to get valuable feedback. And, early Field or Consumer Feedback really makes a lot of sense, in any case.

The DUCOA Design allows creation of the Framework or Infrastructure in phases. As soon as the demand is sensed, just the required portion of the Automation Infrastructure can be created to cater to the immediate needs (Requirements) in hand. It is not required to wait till the creation of the complete Automation Infrastructure or Framework to roll out Automated Tests to the users. 

Keyword Driven: It draws on the strengths of Keyword Driven Test Automation framework design.

Tool Independence: DUCOA Framework Design is compatible with most of the commercial, proprietary and open-source Test Automation Tools available in the market. That makes it possible to design a Test Automation Framework or Infrastructure based on the DUCOA Architecture and Design with the Test Automation Tool of your choice.

Abstracted Data Driven: It draws on the strengths of Abstracted Data Driven Test Automation framework design.

Language Independence: DUCOA Framework Design is compatible with most of the general and special purpose programming languages available in the market. That makes it possible to design a Test Automation Framework or Infrastructure based on the DUCOA Architecture and Design with the programming language of your choice. The only important consideration, in this case, is the compatibility between the Test Automation Tool and the Programming Language of your choice.

Changes are welcome: It is highly extensible, flexible, maintainable, usable and scalable. On these fronts, this framework can easily handle the following situations:
a. New Screen or Page or Snap-ins added to the Application under Test (AUT)
b. New UI Controls or GUI Objects added to the AUT
c. Some of the common UI Controls or GUI Objects undergo changes
d. New Features or Functionalities are added to the AUT
e. New Tests are created and required to be automated

Tests reside outside the code: Not only do the Test Data, but the Tests also reside outside the Automation Code or Script. That makes maintenance and enhancements absolutely easy.

Script-less Test Automation: DUCOA Framework Design allows creation of script-less Test Automation. No test is scripted or coded in any scripting or programming language. Tests are composed. Tests are not tightly coupled with their respective Automation Code. Automated Tests come into being on the fly, in run-time.

Excellent Collaboration: This Test Automation Framework is an effective collaboration tool. Excellent collaboration happens between the Test Team (The Direct Users) and the Test Automation Engineering or Development Team (The Producers). Here, you get what you see and what you need. Any room for deviations is really a rare possibility. 

The Direct Consumers or Users (Test Team or Test Engineers) and The Producer (Test Automation Engineering or Development Team) speak the same language in terms of specifying the details of a Test. The final Product (The Automated Test) is defined in terms of the exact details used in defining the requirement (what needs to be automated). That is, there is an absolutely precise mapping between The Test, The Translated Test and the Composed Test.

Just In Time Production: This is, kind of, a Just-In-Time production model. Production happens only when an order is placed or demand is reported. And, production happens strictly as per the specifications of the order placed. No part of the Automation Infrastructure or Framework is created until it is actually required. Stuff get produced to meet current needs or requirements.

Infrastructure First: The basic infrastructure is built before any specific test is composed. The composed tests use the infrastructure so created. That resembles setting up a Manufacturing Unit or Plant or Factory or Production Facility and, then, using that Production Facility to produce the desired output. Creation of the basic infrastructure is triggered by any general need or goal in hand.

Versatility in Application: Since this Framework is primarily about UI Controls or GUI Objects and multiple layers of abstraction, it is a great choice for Product Platforms, Products or Features built on top of Product Platforms or Frameworks, Product Families. Specifically, it is highly efficient and effective where, UI Controls in question are shared between:
a. Products in a Product Family
b. Product Platform or Framework and the Products built on top of it
c. Products in multiple Product Families
d. Various variants of a single product
e. Screens or Pages or Snap-ins of a Product

Excellent ROI: It offers excellent Return On Investment through:
a. Early Test Automation Infrastructure development
b. Early deployment and utilization
c. On-demand extension | addition
d. Absolutely small team
e. Low upfront investment in terms of time and effort  Next Page >>

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DUCOA 09 - Important Features of DUCOA Test Automation Framework by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
