DUCOA 13 - How does the Data Driven Test Generator Mechanism work?

This is how the 'Data Driven Test Generator Mechanism' creates multiple Composed Tests out of a base or generic or original Composed Test.

1. It creates a Composed Test File with this name <Test Name + Iteration Name or ID> at a location dictated by the configuration at the Test Automation Platform level.

2. It reads in the base or generic or original Composed Test.

3. It ascertains or computes the number of instances of Composed Tests to be generated based on A. the algorithm in use and B. the complete spectrum of Input and Expected Output Data Set applicable to the Base Composed Test in question.

4. It creates one instance of the Generated Composed Test and embeds in it its share of the Input and Expected Output Data.

5. It saves the new Generated Composed Test with the given <Test Name + Iteration Name or ID>.

6. It adds an entry, in the Test Driver File, reflecting the new Generated Composed Test.

7. It repeats the above 6 steps for each instance of Generated Composed Test.

These Generated Composed Tests created by the Data Driven Test Generator Mechanism persist perpetually for all future automated test execution cycles.  Next Page >>

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DUCOA 13 - How does the Data Driven Test Splitter (DDTS) mechanism work? by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
