DUCOA 07 - Why is the advantage of CDDF integration really insignificant?

Executed 'Translated and Composed' Tests contain Test Steps + Inputs + Expected Outputs + Run Results (Pass or Fail + Other Relevant Details). In the context of DUCOA Test Automation Framework, however, these files are machine-readable (Results Engine Readable) for the purpose of reporting execution results. Moreover, the data-specific instances of 'Translated and Composed' Tests are created ‘Automatically’ from a base 'Translated and Composed' Tests for each test run or just once. So, creation of the Translated and Composed Tests can be an absolutely One-Time activity in the context of DUCOA Test Automation Framework.

My analysis suggested, there were more number of advantages, than the number of advantages, in NOT integrating the Classical Data Driven Framework (CDDF) Design into DUCOA Test Automation Framework Design. So, I decided to take the simpler, more efficient and effective path; and integrated Abstracted Data Driven Framework instead.  Next Page >>

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DUCOA 07 - Why is the advantage of CDDF integration really insignificant? by Debi Prasad Mahapatra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
